Disassembling the Cloud(s), Lagos Biennial 2024

Dis-Assembling the Cloud explores the concept of the body as a sanctuary, drawing parallels between the human form and data centers through three interactive play stations where you eat, listen, and draw. The installation challenges the conventional idea of a fixed, permanent refuge, instead portraying it as dynamic, mobile, and ephemeral—like data moving seamlessly across servers, through circuits, and along digital pathways.

The project delves into the fragmentation and reassembly of both data centers and their users, emphasizing the agency each user has in this digital space. The body becomes a metaphor for a data center, with its various components—servers, circuit boards, and racks—representing the intricate systems within. This disassembly extends to the people who work, fund, and interact with data centers, reflecting the hierarchies and power dynamics inherent in these structures.

The installation uses cookies as a medium to represent data's physicality, with each cookie symbolizing a packet of information. These cookies, arranged in a mosaic, serve as both a visual and interactive element, inviting the audience to engage with the data in a tangible way. As users interact with the installation, they contribute to the data flow, experiencing the routes data takes and the potential impact of their digital footprint.

Stations within the installation are named using synonyms and translations of the word 'refuge,' highlighting the diversity of languages spoken in Lagos. These stations, connected by traceroute lines, offer a variety of experiences—from soundscapes of glitched data to interactive circuit boards where participants can reconstruct data center components. The ephemeral nature of the installation is underscored by the transient traceroute lines and the disassembly of the mosaic as cookies are taken by the audience.

Through this installation, "Dis-Assembling the Cloud" also addresses the colonial histories that underpin data center monopolies and the extractive practices that continue to shape our digital and physical landscapes. The project encourages a deeper reflection on the stakes involved in the data we produce and consume, demystifying the abstraction of data by making it personal and tangible.

Kuku Cookies

  • Digital cookies are devices that track users’ online activities. Cookies attach to data traveling through data centers. Eat a KuKu cookie and think about the cookies that tracked your recent online activities. What websites did you visit? Who did you text or call? What songs did you stream? What purchases did you make?

  • Bite into your cookie, take a photo, and upload it to our public gallery

Data Disco

  • Music is stored in data centers and streamed via networks to our devices. Listen to our digital music tracks, designed to evoke the poetic sounds of data moving through data centers at the speed of light. Let this music move you and take a photo of your feet dancing to these tunes.

  • Upload your photo to our public gallery as your own digital footprint responding to our music

Server Coloring

  • We use coloring and drawing to learn about the parts and operations of data centers. Grab a notebook or a piece of paper and create your own coloring or drawing.

  • Have a friend take a photo of your coloring or drawing and upload it to our public gallery. Click on the photo to download an image to color.